My Father’s Daughter


This heartfelt memoir book gives an immediate and accessible insight into the fascinating story of a South African author named Tumi Kutumela. My Father’s Daughter, shares an encounter with Tumi Kutumela in her own words

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My Fathers Daughter is a true-life story by Tumi Kutumela, who shares some of her deepest, encounters she had undergone as a daughter, a sister and friend. We often hear that young girls with dreams become women with vision, although true, Tumi’s case, reveals the unspoken plot twist that is always there but disregarded. She shares her lifelong experience from a young girl, into her teen years, right through to the woman she is to date. From life’s blissful moments to the rollercoaster rides, the rock bottom moments and what she calls the Dead Zone. Tumi takes us through a hurdled journey where prayer carried her through and the love of her Father, friends and family became her cloak.


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